
¡Culinary arts!

1: Introductions and handshakes
When greeting people of the same sex, they usually shake hands. Getting to know each other better, it’s not uncommon to kiss once on each cheek while shaking hands. It is different when greeting people of the opposite sex. A man hardly ever reaches out first to greet a woman. If the woman does not extend her hand, the man can simply bow his head politely in greeting.

Always remove your shoes when entering someone else’s home. If you want to give gifts, give them with your right hand, or with both hands if it’s too heavy.

2: Food
Egypt is known for its delicious cuisine. The most popular foods are kushari (rice, macaroni, lentils and chickpeas with tomato sauce), fattah (rice with fried bread, garlic, sauce and beef) and, of course, the famous shawarma. It is important that you know the customs around dinners, so that you do not act rudely without knowing it. You do not have to choose your own seat; the host will indicate your place. In Egypt, people eat with their right hand. The right hand is intended for everyday tasks, while the left is used for “dirty” tasks.

Asking for a second helping is considered a great compliment in Egypt. It may happen that an empty plate is refilled immediately without your asking. If you have eaten enough, you can leave some food on the plate to avoid this. In some places, it is customary to share a large meal together.

3: “Baksheesh”
There is no direct translation of the Egyptian word “baksheesh”, as it is a combination of several concepts. However, these have something in common: money.

Tip: Salaries in Egypt are relatively low. Many people live on just $75 a month. Therefore, tips are important for Egyptians to earn a living. You are expected to tip if you use certain services, such as in hotels, restaurants, or bars. It may happen that people open the door for you or take off your shoes. Again, a tip is expected.
Privileges: The term “baksheesh” is also used when you want to put in some extra money to get certain privileges. For example, you can pay extra if you want to visit an archaeological site after closing time. However, this should not be confused with bribery, which is a criminal offence. The privileges one can get through baksheesh are never against the law.
Alms: Lastly, “baksheesh” also encompasses alms. According to Islamic belief, one is obligated to give to the poor if one can. However, it can be easily abused. Children especially see tourists as easy prey. If you give money to all the children who beg, you will lose a lot of money.

4: Dress and behavior in public
Egypt is a conservative country. Although there are no specific rules regarding clothing, it is recommended to wear warm clothing. This especially applies to women. In certain places, such as religious buildings, it is mandatory to cover your head, shoulders and knees. In tourist centers and other popular places, people tend to be more tolerant in this regard.

Couples traveling together should note that public displays of affection (such as kissing) are not appreciated in Egypt. Shaking hands is generally fine, but there are places in Egypt where this is frowned upon, as physical contact in public between a man and a woman is considered inappropriate.

Thanks for reading this little information.