Flora and fauna


Animals that we see the most in Egypt


in east central asia

Egyptian Mongoose

Mongooses live in burrows made of a complex system of tunnels or in trees in many different types of landscapes, including deserts and tropical forests. The bushy-tailed mongoose, for example, lives in lowland forests near rivers. The Gambian mongoose lives in areas with grasslands, coastal scrub and forests.


Weasel occurs in northern Egypt from Alexandria eastward to Port Said

Nile crocodile

They live in a wide variety of aquatic ecosystems such as fresh and brackish water lakes, rivers, wetlands and swamps, coastal areas, marshes or estuary

5  Vulture 

It declined markedly throughout the 19th–20th centuries in much of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, mainly due to direct persecution and “bycatch” from the poisoned carcasses set for livestock predators . In some areas a reduction in available food supplies, arising from changes in livestock management practices, also had an impact . It is very highly vulnerable to the effects of potential wind energy development and electrocution has been identified as a threat . Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for veterinary purposes pose a threat to this species. One case of suspected poisoning caused by flunixin, an NSAID, was recorded in this species in 2012 in Spain. Diclofenac, a similar NSAID, has caused severe declines in Gyps vulture species across Asia.

Kind of agriculture

Cereals: wheat, barley and spelled.
Legumes: lentils and chickpeas.
Vegetables: lettuce, cucumber, garlic and onion.
Fruits: dates, figs, grapes and pomegranates.
Oilseeds: sesame and flax.

Types of ecosystems:

The vegetation of Egypt is limited to the Delta area, the Nile Valley and the desert oases. The most widespread is the coconut tree. Other species of native trees are the acacia, the Tamaris and the karob.

Thanks for reading this little information.